Gauss in the Media
4th place in Medicine at Sergipe’s Federal University fulfilled her mother’s dream, who freelanced as a carpenter to balance the finances during the pandemic.
Many have told me to try other courses, with lower grades. But I was stubborn', says Samara Santos de Carvalho, 19 years old.

04/26/2021 - G1 - Education
Projects that help public education reinvent themselves in the pandemics
With the suspension of in-class courses, initiatives seek ways to bypass the lack of technology access.

07/27/2020 - Deutsche Welle Brasil
Social Project opens selection process in Federal District for preparatory courses’ scholarships
Applications are free and candidates need to attest family income
09/26/2019 – ‘National Afternoon’ show – Brasília (EBC Radio)
Social Project opens selection process in Federal District for preparatory courses’ scholarships
NGO opens applications for public school students

09/01/2019 - G1 – Federal District (DF)
Social Project opens selection process to give scholarships to Federal District students that would like to study in public universities
NGO gives support to young people from DF, São Paulo and Sergipe

09/01/2019 - Rodrigo Matarazzo Blog
Gauss Project
Organization offers scholarships for low-income students

07/23/2019 – ‘Brazil School’
The life story of a participant of the tv show 'Who wants to be a millionaire" caused great commotion on the audience
Juliana Batista, Gauss Project’s beneficiary, tells her story at 'Caldeirão'

11/17/2018 – ‘Caldeirão do Huck’ show – Rede Globo
Learn about Gauss Project’s work
Gauss Project’s members talk about the NGO’s accomplishments

2018 - São Paulo Chamber TV
Former students organize social initiative
Gauss Project offers scholarships to low-income young people that wish to enter universities

2018 - USP Alumni Portal
Gauss Project offers opportunity for students
Former beneficiary Yuri Vinicius’s interview and tutors Pedro Messias and Daniel Barbosa

07/31/2018 – ‘SE on Air’ Show - Atalaia TV (Rede Record affiliate)
Gauss Project
Gauss Project’s members talk about the NGO’s accomplishments

07/25/2018 – ‘Our Entity’ show - Alesp
Gauss Project takes vulnerable students to universities
Group invests in youth with will and potential, through financial aid and emotional support

03/21/2018 – Official Journal – São Paulo
Poli alumni have a project to help young people get into University of São Paulo (USP)
NGO offers scholarships to great potential young people from public schools that can’t afford preparatory courses

03/01/2018 - Catraca Livre
NGO offers scholarships to help students get into university
Gauss Project also supports scholar development and professional choices

03/01/2018 – Student Guide
Former students create organization to help young people study at University of São Paulo (USP)
Initiative offers scholarships for those who wishes to enter university

02/28/2018 - State of São Paulo Government Portal
Former students create NGO to help young people study at University of São Paulo (USP)
Graduates from Polytechnic School give preparatory courses scholarships for adolescents who dream of entering university

26/02/2018 - USP Newspaper
Engineers create NGO to help students enter public colleges
Gauss Project was created to help students who dreamt of entering a public university

11/17/2017 – General Balance Program – Record Television Network
NGO offers scholarships to help students enter universities
A crowdfunding for students with no money

11/16/2017 – Super
Gauss Project starts selection process for educational scholarships
Beginning of selection process for scholarship distribution to public school students

11/08/2017 – G1 – Sergipe (SE)
Learn about Gauss Project
Project gives low-income youth the opportunity to enter the best public universities

10/26/2017 – ‘Culture News’ show – Culture TV
Group sponsor students’ preparation for college-entering exams
Created in 2013 by four recently graduated engineers, Gauss Project have already placed four students in public universities

10/22/2017 - Estadão
Secretary welcomes Gauss Project’s team and establishes partnership
Initiative offers scholarships for students who intend to go to university