We are on the same page. Literally.
I want to change the world. You too. We know that a whole bunch of people think this is crazy. However, after having studied so much, how can they still think that we are crazy?
This is the point. We have studied and understood that education is the only solution, the only way to change things. But we don’t want to help out, or invest in someone’s life, or something similar, without establishing a strong connection.
How much should be invested? Where? On whom? These are the big questions. Because changing the world only gets real when we change people’s lives. The lives of people like Juliana, Marcelo, Maria, Pedro, Sofia. And if this can be somehow replicated, it will also impact their families.
At Gauss you know exactly whose lives you are changing and you can follow it closely. We are here to provide those who can’t access it with quality education.
We offer scholarships and mentoring for students who believe in education as a tool for transformation – but, for many reasons, they were prevented from accessing it.
We invest in lives. We believe in people. Do you also believe in them?
Then join us because your role is essential.
Click here and learn more.
"The mentorship offered by Gauss is undoubtedly unique, and an important characteristic of the project. We stand side-by-side with the students, following their routine, sharing their anxieties, celebrating their accomplishments and trying to maximize assistance with any difficulties they may have, not only academically but oftentimes also personally. This continuous exchange between students and mentors, in addition to making the journey lighter and more fun, ends up fueling the learning process."
HANNA DO CARMO, mentor and mentoring coordinator.

“In 2016 I was introduced to Gauss, and I was immediately touched by the cause. Having studied in public schools, I know how much Brazilians lack opportunities. I saw in Gauss the possibility of humanizing our school even more by equalizing education. It is impossible not to fall in love with a social project as serious as this one, with no political parties’ connections and that effectively impacts the lives of dozens of young Brazilian people. I summarize everything in one word: transformation.”
ANDERSON PEIXOTO, coordinator at Master Aracaju School.

“My role as a mentor is closer to a facilitator, to shine a light on alternatives and paths within each student’s reality. To show the student that he has power over his future is the greatest challenge faced by a mentor. I had the delight of seeing two of my mentees acquire this mindset, conquering their choices in spite of the social inequalities in their life’s histories.”

“The change that Gauss caused in my life, early on, was to stimulate a deeper reflection on what I wanted for myself. Gauss had an enormous impact on my personal and professional life, and this can be measured in several ways. A lot has changed because of the support and access to education that Gauss gave to me."

"The mentorship offered by Gauss is undoubtedly unique, and an important characteristic of the project. We stand side-by-side with the students, following their routine, sharing their anxieties, celebrating their accomplishments and trying to maximize assistance with any difficulties they may have, not only academically but oftentimes also personally. This continuous exchange between students and mentors, in addition to making the journey lighter and more fun, ends up fueling the learning process."
HANNA DO CARMO, mentor and mentoring coordinator.

“My role as a mentor is closer to a facilitator, to shine a light on alternatives and paths within each student’s reality. To show the student that he has power over his future is the greatest challenge faced by a mentor. I had the delight of seeing two of my mentees acquire this mindset, conquering their choices in spite of the social inequalities in their life’s histories.”

“In 2016 I was introduced to Gauss, and I was immediately touched by the cause. Having studied in public schools, I know how much Brazilians lack opportunities. I saw in Gauss the possibility of humanizing our school even more by equalizing education. It is impossible not to fall in love with a social project as serious as this one, with no political parties’ connections and that effectively impacts the lives of dozens of young Brazilian people. I summarize everything in one word: transformation.”
ANDERSON PEIXOTO, coordinator at Master Aracaju School.

“The change that Gauss caused in my life, early on, was to stimulate a deeper reflection on what I wanted for myself. Gauss had an enormous impact on my personal and professional life, and this can be measured in several ways. A lot has changed because of the support and access to education that Gauss gave to me."


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