To become a Gauss project beneficiary and become a Gaussian, you are required to:
Be a public-school student or a full scholarship holder in a private school.
Have a monthly family income of up to 1.5 (one and a half) minimum wage salary per person, after considering the income and social benefits of all individuals living in the candidate’s household.
If you fit within these requirements, you can proceed with the three-step selection process, in which each step can result in elimination:
Selection Process

Language, Mathematics and Writing

Candidate and family
At the end of the process, Gauss contacts the selected candidates.
Gauss selection process happens once a year as follows:
- Profile 1 (8th or 9th grade students): between April and May
- Profile 2 (pre-college): between September and October
Candidates should follow this page, which will be updated with each new selection process. It is very important to read the specific guidelines for the chosen city and follow all deadlines and directives, since each step can result in elimination.
Watch here how studentstake part in the selection process
Current Gaussians
Aline Figueiredo - SE

Amanda Mendes - PR

Ana Luiza Barreto - SP

Analice Nato - SP

Barbara Locomo - SE

Beatriz Dias - SE

Beatriz Fernandez - SP

Beatriz Garcia - SP

Beatriz Gonçalves - SP

Bruna Gomes - SP

Bruna Yribarren - SP

Carla Santos - SP

Carolina Lima - PR

CelenI Pomar - SP

Cleyton Oliveira - SE

Davi de Lima- SP

Edine Matos - SP

Emily de Carvalho - SP

Emylle Nalanda - SP

Fabricio Pereira - SP

Fernanda Santos - SE

Francisca Ingrid - SP

Franklin Rodrigues - SP

Gabriela Kutzlieb - SP

Gabriela Gonçalves - SP

Gabriela Silva - SP

Giovanna Santos - SP

Giullia Vieira- SP

Guilherme Silva - SP

Gustavo Dutra de Oliveira - SP

Henrique Ramalho - SP

Henrique Lima - DF

Isabella Santos - SP

Isabella Marques - SP

Issaias Passos - SP

Ivo Santana - SE

Jessica Rocha - SP

Jessica Santana - SP

Jessika Santos - SE

Jonathan Castilho - SP

Julia Gomes - SP

Júlia Kuroda - SP

Larissa Nascimento - SP

Larissa De Jesus - SP

Livia Melo - SE

Luana Andrade - SP

Luisa Mol - SP

Marcos Siqueira-SPP1

Mariana Santos - SP

Marilia Tavares - DF

Marjorie Menezes - SE

Matheus Santos - SP

Matheus Santos - SE

Melissa Queiroz - SP

Michel Emerson - SE

Natali Silva - PR

Desire Yema - SP

Paula Moura - SE

Paiilina Melo-SE

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Priscila Lemos - DF

Rafaela Santos - SP

Rafaela Gomes Mota- SP

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-04 at 16.50.53

Richard Santos - SP

Ronilson Santos - SE

Sâmara Rodrigues- SP

Sarah Andrade-DF

Sarah dos Reis - DF

Stefany Giacomassi - PR

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Thais Caroline Freitas - SP

Thiago Queiroz - SE

VanisStVictor - PR

Vinicius Gonçalves-SP