What we do

Gauss involves people and organizations that seek to implement changes with meaningful actions.

The model is based on three pillars:

Gauss beneficiary, who receives not only an education, but also a personal development to become an agent of change in his/her own life. 

Donates resources for enabling quality and efficient operations, while closely following developments.

Volunteer who gets involved and is dedicated to mentoring one student.

Gauss currently assists two groups of young people who we call Gaussians: 

  • Profile 1: 12 to 15-year-old students in the 8th or 9th grade of the Middle School.

  • Profile 2: 17 to 25-year-old students who finished high school and want to enroll in higher education.

For all beneficiaries, Gauss offers:

  • Scholarships in cursos preparatórios for accessing quality high school or college education; 
  • Mentoria  by at least two experienced volunteers;
  • Cursos complementares such as writing for admission exams, math reinforcement, English;
  • Meal allowance;
  • Transportation or housing assistance; 
  • Professional psychological support.

All this, so the students don’t have to work and can focus on their studies for a full year. 

For middle school students, support may continue until college admission.

Visit the GAUSSIANOS page to learn about our selection process.

Other initiatives:

‘Education Chat’: discussion sessions involving a network of dozens of social organizations linked to education, with the goal of sharing knowledge, experience and contacts. Organized in partnership with the Machado Meyer Attorney’s Office, the quarterly meetings include guest speakers to talk about relevant themes to the group.

André Longo Milanese Award for Excellence: awarded to former gaussians who, under conditions of great vulnerability, showed excellent academic performance throughout the year. They receive 24 months of additional support while attending college, so they can adequately focus on their studies. It is the first Gauss policy geared to university students.

Gaussian of the Future: project created to encourage and support women in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). We believe that by investing in these disciplines we are empowering the professionals of the future, women in particular, with the goal of increasing their representation in areas of knowledge with growing opportunities.